The Bay Colwell
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Stop and quench your thirst from our Bayside Lounge or check out the local area and enjoy some delicious drinks.
Time to chill... After a bracing stroll on the beach or a day out exploring the best of the west of the island, pop into the Bayside Lounge and treat yourself to coffee at The Bayside Lounge.
Probably one of the most popular little restaurants on the Island. With some of the tastiest seafood, the best sunsets, it’s also often a place for celebrity spotting!
Who doesn’t love the smell of the fresh sea air and a great big fry up! Serving breakfast, lunches and good old British dinners such as scampi and ham, egg and chips!
Just a short walk along Colwell Bay and the Waterfront is perfect for lunchtimes and seafood dinners. Sit inside and cosy up when its cold, our outside lapping up the glorious sunshine when warm.
Whilst you wait... just think about being in your swimmers, the sun's out and the smiles are big
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